Deuterium Depletion in Life Science
Depletion of body deuterium (D) can simply be achieved by consumption or prolonged administration of deuterium-depleted water (DDW) and nutrients deficient in D. It was therefore postulated that D-depletion would have therapeutic use in patients with cancer and other neoplastic diseases. In subsequent toxicology studies DDW appeared to be completely safe and non-toxic when given to mice in place of regular water for several months. Following preclinical safety and efficacy studies, a Phase II double blind randomized clinical trial was initiated to evaluate the potential usefulness of therapeutic efficacy and safety of DDW in patients with prostate tumor.
Expert opinions
„I think, people will soon realize that water is the most important foodstuff, drink, important element for us to live, and therefore to choose the proper water is very important…that would be offered, I hope, by HYD.”
Prof. Roman Zubarev
Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
„Deuterobolomics is now a field that is covering the physiology and biochemistry of deuterium….It is actually a responsibility of physicians of these days to know about these mechanisms, because they exist without question.”
Prof. Boros G. László
Kalifornia Egyetem, Los Angeles, USA
„At the molecular level deuterium and proton are not behaving at the same manner….When we will understand exactly at molecular level the mechanism, the field will grow, because it has an enormous potential and I am fully convinced after so many years of working on metabolism.”
Prof. Martha Cascante
Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
„Almost all people should know this scientific movement and scientific success, this is clear.”
Prof. Valentin Lobyshev
Lomonosov University, Moscow, Russia
„Metabolic water is depleted in deuterium and we think, that this has a lot of therapeutic benefit as far as enhancing the cell’s energetic capacity and stabilizing the DNA of the cell, which will give a therapeutic effect to cancer patients.”
Prof. Dominic D’Agostino
University of South Florida, Tampa, USA
„Deuterium depletion offers a more powerful but also milder means for efficient treatment and prevention of primarily tumorous diseases than any other therapy up to now. Application of preparations of reduced deuterium content can complement the medicines currently used in therapy and prevention, and can show higher efficiency than those.”
Gábor Somlyai PhD
General Manager of HYD Pharma Co
„Deuterium depleted water is regularly recommended to our patients for tumor prevention and also as supplementary therapy. Water with reduced deuterium content helps in all phases of the disease and can hence be recommended any time.”
Dr. Erika Balaicza
Internist, Head Physician at Activ-Naturmed, Hungary
„In recent years, there are many companise have begun to under take DDW business and research in China. Especially some hospitals are now developing clinical studies in cancer patients. As an adjuvant therapy for tumor,DDW has shown a beneficial effect. I expect that it eventually can be developed a new kind of anti-cancer medicine."
Fengsong Cong PhD
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Professors statement’s about deuterium depletion

HYD LLC for Cancer Research and Drug Development offers the sterile distilled water with 25 ppm deuterium content to universities and research institutes. HYD LLC wishes to promote research in this field in Hungary and abroad, and provides DDW 25, its product for research purposes, at a moderate price.
4th International Congress on Deuterium Depletion
The 4th International Congress on Deuterium Depletion took place between 17-18 October 2019, in Budapest. The two-day conference aimed at presenting the newest research outcomes and clinical applications of deuterium depletion, and determining the present and future role of the process in antitumor research and prevention, as well as in the treatment of other, primarily metabolic, diseases, and in the research of aging.
The conference provided a broad scientific forum for domestic and foreign researchers and doctors in this field to share their latest results. By bringing the leading scientists of deuterium depletion of the world together, the conference was, beyond science, also a forum for establishing connections and collaborations.
To see the oral presentations of the conference, click here.
To see interviews with the leading presenters, click here.
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